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- 近江牡蛎膜分离联产制备多糖多肽及其功能特性研究[2020-11-20]
- 近江牡蛎多糖的结构鉴定及免疫调节能力分析[2020-11-20]
- genetic diversity and population structure of black sea bream (acanthopagrus schlegelii) based on mitochondrial control region sequences: the genetic effect of stock enhancement[2020-11-20]
- 金枪鱼中生物胺的防控技术与检测技术的研究发展[2020-11-20]
- 基于主成分分析的鱼子酱挥发性成分评价[2020-11-20]
- 不冻液处理对石斑鱼在常温物流过程的品质和货架期影响[2020-11-20]
- 海南省昌化江河口海域生物体中多环芳烃污染特征、来源解析及健康风险评价[2020-11-20]
- 食盐含量对腌制大黄鱼鱼肉品质的影响[2020-11-20]
- 分散固相萃取_超高效液相色谱串联质谱法同时测定水产品中4种ppcps[2020-11-20]
- 大青鲨和镰状真鲨软骨中部分营养成分分析与安全评价[2020-11-20]
- 四指马鲅泌尿系统胚后发育组织学研究[2020-11-20]
- effects of dietary hawthorn extracts supplementation on lipid metabolism, skin coloration and gut health of golden pompano ( trachinotus ovatus )[2020-11-20]
- 夏季大亚湾鱼类群落结构与多样性[2020-11-20]
- 胶州湾鱼类生物量粒径谱特征[2020-11-20]
- synergistic effects of catalytic co-pyrolysis of macroalgae withwaste plastics[2020-11-20]
- nitrite-induced oxidative stress, histopathology, and transcriptome changes in the mud crab (scylla paramamosain)[2020-11-20]
- immune and physiological responses of mud crab (scylla paramamosain)[2020-11-20]
- nonmetric multidimensional scaling and adverse effects on aquatic biota of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediments: a case study of a typical aquaculture wetland, china[2020-11-20]
- ecological implications of purple sea urchin (heliocidaris crassispina, agassiz, 1864) enhancement on the coastal benthic food web: evidence from stable isotope analysis[2020-11-20]
- in vitro antioxidant activity of peptides from simulated gastro-intestinal digestion products of cyprinus carpio haematopterus scale gelatin[2020-11-20]
- functional analysis of irf1 reveals its role in the activation of the type i ifn pathway in golden pompano, trachinotus ovatus (linnaeus 1758)[2020-11-20]
- functional characterization of nk-lysin in golden pompano trachinotus ovatus (linnaeus 1758)[2020-11-20]
- 卵形鲳鲹对饲料中硒的需求量[2020-11-20]
- 漂洗和斩拌对海鲈鱼肌球蛋白理化特性的影响[2020-11-20]
- protection of teprenone against hypoxia and reoxygenation stress in stomach and intestine of lateolabrax maculatus[2020-11-20]
- 不同运输条件对合浦珠母贝稚贝存活比较[2020-11-20]
- 野生企鹅珍珠贝形态性状对质量性状的影响[2020-11-20]
- 恩诺沙星曝露下企鹅珍珠贝肠道微生物多样性及优势菌变化规律[2020-11-20]
- physiological and molecular diferences in the thermal tolerance of two varieties of kuruma prawn marsupenaeus japonicus: critical thermal maximum and heat shock protein 70[2020-11-20]
- 不同来源鲑科鱼肌肉营养组成比较[2020-11-20]
- "evaluation of reproductive capacity in pond-reared penaeus moundon after unilateral eyestalk ablation in pond-reared penaeus monodon after unilateral eyestalk ablation[2020-11-20]
- 黄唇鱼(bahaba flavolabiata)的全基因组测序和基因组特征研究[2020-11-20]
- 亚热带海湾养殖环境综合分级定量评价研究[2020-11-20]
- the effects of winter temperature and land use on mangrove avian species richness and abundance on leizhou peninsula, china[2020-11-20]
- effect of dietary sodium butyrate on growth performance, enzyme activities and intestinal proliferation‐related gene expression of juvenile golden pompano trachinotus ovatus[2020-11-20]
- 基于耳石微结构的南海鸢乌贼日龄和生长研究[2020-11-20]
- analysis of fish abundance and distribution pattern in the beibu gulf using fishery acoustic measurement combined with ordinary kriging method[2020-11-20]
- 斑节对虾耐氨氮和淡水应激性性状的遗传参数估计[2020-11-20]
- "comprehensive expression analysis of the beta integrin from penaeus monodon indicating its participation in innate immunity and ammonia nitrogen stress response[2020-11-20]