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- molecular characterization of grp94 and hsp90α from trachinotus ovatus, linnaeus 1758 and their expression responses to various levels of stockingdensity stress and cryptocaryon irritans infection.[2020-12-03]
- transcription factor pparαb activates fads2s to promote lc-pufa biosynthesis in the golden pompano trachinotus ovatus (linnaeus 1758)[2020-12-03]
- spatiotemporal variations and source tracking of antibiotics in an ecological aquaculture farm in southern china[2020-12-03]
- 金鲳肌球蛋白在不同处理条件下的理化性质变化[2020-12-03]
- 海鲈鱼糜加工及凝胶形成过程中蛋白质的变化机理[2020-12-03]
- 罗非鱼副产物抗菌肽的制备及其对无乳链球菌抑菌活性分析[2020-12-03]
- 基于cfd-edm的自动投饵饲料颗粒气力输送数值模拟[2020-11-20]
- transcriptome and mirna profiles of black tiger shrimp,penaeus monodon,under different salinity conditions[2020-11-20]
- transcriptome reveals involvement of immune defense, oxidative imbalance, and apoptosis in ammonia-stress response of the black tiger shrimp (penaeus monodon)[2020-11-20]
- effects of dietary niacin on growth performance, serum biochemistry, antioxidant ability of liver, intestinal digestion, and absorption in juvenile golden pompano[2020-11-20]
- 南沙群岛渚碧礁鱼类分类多样性研究[2020-11-20]
- 人工培育四指马鲅鳃组织结构及其早期发育[2020-11-20]
- 灰色关联度法综合评价卵形鲳鲹鱼片不同干制方法的品质差异[2020-11-20]
- 罗非鱼红色肉在冷藏期间的肉色稳定性[2020-11-20]
- 间歇式双循环工厂化养殖系统构建及其养殖效果[2020-11-20]
- distribution patterns of nirs-encoding and nirk-encoding denitrifiers in the surface sediment of pearl river estuary[2020-11-20]
- 氨氮胁迫对凡纳滨对虾肠道免疫相关指标的影响[2020-11-20]
- characterization of bacterial community in intestinal and rearing water of penaeus monodon differing growth performances in outdoor and indoor ponds[2020-11-20]
- 流沙湾浮游植物群落特征季节变化及其与养殖活动的关系[2020-11-20]
- physiological, biochemical responses and apoptosis-related genes expressions of hypoxia and re-oxygenation stresses in an economically important mariculture fish, the chinese sea bass (lateolabrax maculatus)[2020-11-20]
- prevalence, virulence genes,and antimicrobial resistance of vibrio species isolated from diseased marine fish in south china[2020-11-20]
- the ilvgmeda operon is regulated by transcription attenuation in vibrio alginolyticus zj-t[2020-11-20]
- long-term variations in fish community structure under multiple stressors in a semi-closed marine ecosystem in the south china sea endangered species on the iucn red list in the beibu gulf,south china sea[2020-11-20]
- comparative analysis of complete mitochondrial genomes of three gerres fishes (perciformes gerreidae) and primary exploration of their evolution history[2020-11-20]
- 流沙湾浮游动物群落特征及与鱼贝养殖的关系[2020-11-20]
- a method to analyze the sensitivity ranking of various abiotic factors to acoustic densities of fishery resources in the surface mixed layer and bottom cold water layer of the coastal area of low latitude: a case study in the northern south china sea[2020-11-20]
- 南海中南部海域鸢乌贼cpue影响因素的gam分析[2020-11-20]
- 西沙群岛七连屿礁栖鱼类物种和分类多样性[2020-11-20]
- transcriptional analysis reveals physiological response to acute acidification stress of barramundilates calcarifer (bloch) in coastal areas[2020-11-20]
- next generation sequencing yields the complete mitochondrial genome of the capsala pricei hidalgo, 1959 (platyhelminthes monogenea) from south china sea[2020-11-20]
- the complete mitochondrial genome of milk shark rhizoprionodon acutus ruppell 1837[2020-11-20]
- 南海北部带鱼群体结构及生长、死亡和性成熟参数估计[2020-11-20]
- 黄鳍棘鲷家系亲缘关系鉴定[2020-11-20]
- 南海北部主要海表温度锋面的时空变化特征[2020-11-20]
- response of protist community dynamics and co-occurrence patterns to the construction of artificial reefs: a case study in daya bay, china[2020-11-20]
- 南海北部近海头足类优势种及其生态位特征[2020-11-20]
- 几种杀菌方法对罗非鱼片鱼肉品质的影响比较[2020-11-20]
- 红色肉贮藏期间肌红蛋白与肉色变化研究进展[2020-11-20]
- 食物蛋白源降尿酸活性肽的研究进展[2020-11-20]