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- 密度胁迫对黑鲷运输存活率及免疫酶活性的影响[2019-10-30]
- 塑料袋密封充氧运输密度对增殖放流黑鲷成活率的影响[2019-10-30]
- 黑鲷幼鱼力竭运动后代谢酶活性的恢复水平[2019-10-30]
- indo-pacific humpback dolphins (sousa chinensis) in the moyang river estuary: the western part of the world’s largest population of humpback dolphins[2019-10-30]
- 基于微卫星标记的黄唇鱼遗传多样性研究[2019-10-30]
- nutrient release from fish cage aquaculture and mitigation strategies in daya bay, southern china[2019-10-30]
- 柘林湾海洋牧场生态系统服务价值评估[2019-10-30]
- 南海中西部海域鸢乌贼中型群和微型群营养生态位[2019-10-30]
- response of sthenoteuthis oualaniensis to marine environmental changes in the northcentral south china sea based on satellite and in situ observations[2019-10-30]
- 基于副产物揭示条浒苔热解机理[2019-10-30]
- 胶州湾鱼类资源量的时空分布特征[2019-10-30]
- physiological response of pacific abalone (haliotis discus hannai) hepatopancreas to heat stress[2019-10-30]
- bioturbation of peanut worms sipunculus nudus on the composition of prokaryotic communities in a tidal flat as revealed by 16s rrna gene sequences[2019-10-30]
- 南海鸢乌贼的遗传差异:种群分化还是种间分化[2019-10-30]
- regional and intraspecific variation in sthenoteuthis oualaniensis (cephalopoda: ommastrephidae)morphology from the western central pacific ocean[2019-10-30]
- effect of alginate on the release of amide nitrogen for soilless cultivation applications[2019-10-30]
- changes in the intestine microbial, digestive, and immune-related genes of litopenaeus vannamei in response to dietary probiotic clostridium butyricum supplementation[2019-10-30]
- 2015—2017年南海海域伏季休渔制度实施效果评价[2019-10-30]
- effect of dietary vitamin b6 supplementation on growth and intestinal microflora of juvenile golden pompano (trachinotus ovatus)[2019-10-30]
- 基于稳定同位素技术的南海中西部海域主要渔业生物营养结构研究[2019-10-30]
- 饲料中添加螺旋藻对花鲈生长性能、消化酶活性、血液学指标及抗氧化能力的影响[2019-10-30]
- effects of dietary pantothenic acid supplement on hepatic antioxidative abilities and intestinal microflora in juvenile golden pompano (trachinotus ovatus)[2019-10-30]
- bioacoustic application on fisheries management in an artificial reefs’ ecological reserve of bohai gulf china[2019-10-30]
- nutrition and water temperature regulate the expression of heat-shock proteins in golden pompano larvae (trachinotus ovata, limmaeus 1758)[2019-10-30]
- response of liver-type fatty acid-binding protein (l-fabp) gene in golden pompano trachinotusovatus (linnaeus 1758) to temperature and nutrient manipulations[2019-10-30]
- water pretreatment affects the bacteria communities in penaeus monodon larvae culture.[2019-10-30]
- molecular characterization and functional analysis of peroxiredoxin3 cdna from black tiger shrimp (penaeus monodon)[2019-10-30]
- molecular characterization and immune analysis of a defensin from small abalone, haliotis diversicolor[2019-10-30]
- effects of the algicidal bacterium czbc1 on microalgal and bacterial communities in shrimp culture[2019-10-30]
- 4种理化因子对菌株xh1 硝化效果的影响[2019-10-30]
- effects of a partitioned aquaculture system on water quality and growth of penaeus vannamei[2019-10-30]
- effects of dietary vitamin b-1 on growth performance, intestinal digestion and absorption, intestinal microflora and immune response of juvenile golden pompano (trachinotus ovatus)[2019-10-30]
- integrated response in taxonomic diversity and eco-exergy of macrobenthic faunal community to artificial reef construction in daya bay, china[2019-10-30]
- utilization of recombinase polymerase amplifcation combined with a lateral fow strip for detection of perkinsus beihaiensis in the oyster crassostrea hongkongensis[2019-10-30]
- a molecular approach to the identi?cation of marine ?sh of the dongsha islands (south china sea)[2019-10-30]
- ammonia toxicity in the mud crab (scylla paramamosain): the mechanistic[2019-10-30]
- changes in the intestine microbial, digestion and immunity of litopenaeus vannamei in response to dietary resistant starch[2019-10-30]
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