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- edna metabarcoding as a promising conservation tool for monitoring fish diversity in a coastal wetland of the pearl river estuary compared to bottom trawling[2020-05-11]
- 近20年南海四带笛鲷(lutjanus kasmira)种群特征变化[2020-05-11]
- 南海北部近海渔业资源密度概率分布特征[2020-05-11]
- an unconstrained ordination- and gis-based approach for identifying anthropogenic sources of heavy metal pollution in marine sediments[2020-05-11]
- 活性酵素对工厂化养殖凡纳滨对虾生长及水质的影响[2020-05-11]
- 基于生物絮团技术构建的零换水养殖系统对凡纳滨对虾高密度养殖效果分析[2020-05-11]
- nursery habitat for asian horseshoe crabs along the northern beibu gulf, china: implications for conservation managementunder baseline gaps[2020-05-11]
- 广东沿海地区凡纳滨对虾ehp、vpahpnd和shiv感染情况调查与分析[2020-05-11]
- length-weight relationship parameters of tropical coral reef fishes in the south china sea[2020-05-11]
- first report of black-heart disease in kumamoto oyster crassostrea sikamea spat caused by polydora lingshuiensis in china[2020-05-11]
- 尖吻鲈仔鱼骨骼发育观察[2020-05-11]
- 尖吻鲈尾部骨骼胚后发育研究[2020-05-11]
- 光周期对尖吻鲈仔稚鱼消化酶活性的影响[2020-05-11]
- identification and characterization of interferon regulatory factor 1 from lateolabrax japonicus involved in antiviral immune response against grouper nervous necrosis virus infection[2020-05-11]
- 我国南海区海洋捕捞现状分析[2020-05-11]
- multiplexssr a pipeline for developing multiplex ssr-pcr assays from resequencing data[2020-05-11]
- short-term effects of artificial reef construction on surface sediment and seawater properties in daya bay, china[2020-05-11]
- 大亚湾核电临近海域中国毛虾声学探测分析[2020-05-11]
- effect of nitrite exposure on oxidative stress, dna damage and apoptosis in mud crab (scylla paramamosain)[2020-05-11]
- de novo assembly and annotation of the whole transcriptome of penaeus penicillatus[2020-05-11]
- 舌状蜈蚣藻多糖提取工艺及抗氧化活性分析[2020-05-11]
- 舌状蜈蚣藻蛋白质的提取及其抗氧化活性研究[2020-05-11]
- 汕头地区不同采收期坛紫菜营养成分分析与评价[2020-05-11]
- 甲壳类水产品中氨基脲产生及控制方法研究进展[2020-05-11]
- 鲍鱼及其副产物综合加工利用研究进展[2020-05-11]
- 基于ecopath模型的珠江口6种增殖放流种类生态容纳量估算[2020-05-11]
- 大亚湾黑鲷标志鱼放流及回捕率调查[2020-05-11]
- 基于nodejs的渔业资源调查数据采集系统框架重构[2020-05-11]
- 科技期刊在同行评议环节存在的问题及对策[2020-05-11]
- quantitative proteomic analysis provides insights into the algicidal mechanism of halobacillus sp. p1 against the marine diatom skeletonema costatum[2020-05-11]
- antibiotic resistance genes and bacterial community dynamics in the seawater environment of dapeng cove, south china[2020-05-11]
- contamination of antibiotic resistance genes (args) in a typical marine aquaculture farm: source tracking of args in reared aquatic organisms[2020-05-11]
- application of uhplc-q/tof-ms-based metabolomics in the evaluation of metabolites and taste quality of chinese fifish sauce (yu-lu) during fermentation[2020-05-11]
- 中国不同海域养殖坛紫菜营养成分差异分析[2020-05-11]
- composition and viriation of the polar lipids in round scad (decapterus maruadsi) and hairtail (trichiurus lepturus) during salt-drying[2020-05-11]
- effects of stocking density on the growth performance, serum biochemistry, muscle composition and hsp70 gene expression of juvenile golden pompano trachinotus ovatus (linnaeus, 1758).[2020-05-11]
- structural and expression analysis of golden pompano trachinotus ovatus irf5 and its role in regulation of type i ifn[2020-05-11]
- functional analysis of two myods revealed their role in the activation of myomixer expression in yellowfin seabream (acanthopagrus latus) (hottuyn, 1782)[2020-05-11]
- interferon regulatory factor 2 plays a positive role in interferon gamma expression in golden pompano, trachinotus ovatus (linnaeus 1758)[2020-05-11]